An effective exercise for losing weight on the belly and on the sides
The physical exercises are very beneficial for the body because it:
- strengthen, you can increase the immunity.
- to improve the work of cardiovascular system;
- to increase strength, endurance, and;
- to reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of reports of depression and apathy, because at the time of the class is turned on, the generation of the hormone of happiness — serotonin;
- worked on running on the cell for oxygen;
- stimulate your brain, improve concentration, integrity, propensity for lifelong learning;
- to reduce insomnia, make you sleep better, deeper;
- slow down the aging process of cells and tissues;
- to normalize the metabolism;
- strengthen the muscle corset back and improve your posture.
The main thing is to get the individual to a set of exercises, which correspond to the competencies of the current state of health. For people with a very large excess weight, for example, many different types of fitness that are contra-indicated because it may cause injury to the knees and lower back, increase in blood pressure, and much, much more. In this case, as it is a perfect exercise to walk. Have proven that walking for 30 to 40 minutes every day lowers the risk of heart disease, improves health, increases the overall tone of the body.
The causes of excess fat

The fat in the belly area and on the sides can add up for a number of reasons:
- Health-related problems. Excess of inches in the waist area may indicate the presence of different diseases, as well as the visceral fat as it Is? deposits around the internal organs, preventing the normal operation of the system.
- The wrong way of life: sedentary work, the abundance of greasy food, fast food, lack of sleep can cause the appearance of excess fat. How does it work?
- Psychological factors: the inability to cope with the different circumstances of his life, in the habit of "seizing" stress, whether it's for a business, or out of boredom.
The excess weight is exhibited by one or more of the reasons simultaneously, and therefore, the effectiveness of the anti-redundant pounds, you need to take a comprehensive approach: work with the consultant toward the formation of correct habits of diet, exercise, and proper nutrition.
Where do you start with the training.
The training should be done on a regular basis and not less than three times per week, then, and only then will it be possible to get visible results. Each lesson is divided into two sections: cardio and strength.
The cardiovascular exercise helps the body to wake up, get ready for the next load, and in addition:
- help to speed up your metabolism;
- to reduce the levels of cortisol — the so-called "stress hormone, the excess of which often leads to over-eating, and break, break, sleep,
- to improve the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increasing their strength;
- active, to burn calories, when compared to the second one, the engine is the part of the lesson.
Cardio exercise should include up to a intense exercise, you quickly replace each other, so that the body can't get used to it. You can also switch between jumping and running and high lifting of the legs, squats and lunges. It's perfect for this part, it lasted for at least 20 minutes, and the weight loss will be helpful to give you a complete physical examination, cardio-training, 2 or 3 times each week for 40 to 60 minutes. Same-an active walk at a fast pace, it will be a great option for you.
Exercises to burn fat
Today, in the world of fitness, they are actively used for the so-called training intervalar of the different systems. They are the recognized professionals in the most effective: a type of load to be replaced by another, so the body doesn't get used, you work always at the limit, it activates the burning of calories. This training strengthens the muscles, the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system, improves the metabolism and accelerates the synthesis of proteins.
These exercises will include the three main groups of exercises:
- Aerobic training: running, biking, hiking, jumping rope, skipping, and dancing. It increases the heart rate, increase perspiration, helping the body to warm up and prepare for the next part.
- Power of the torsion bar, tipping up her leg. They are designed to strengthen the muscles.
- Exercise, or stretching — in the final phase of the training, which helps you to relax and recover your breath and heart rate.
Women's weight loss you can get, the yoga, the postures (movement, exercise), which move one on top of the other, shall contribute to the calm, stress-reduction, but they are working all the major muscle groups. To perform them in-house, and a mat to replace the standard with a soft towel.
Run or walk

Running or walking — which one to choose for weight loss? The majority of people will probably tell you that the first option is, of course, it is to be a leader. A pleasant walk to many it seems a routine activity, it may not contribute to the burning of the fat. Is that right? To analyze the main differences are:
- Walking helps to strengthen the muscles of the calf, please do not move it to chest, back, shoulders, hips, thighs, and buttocks.
- During the race, the man is experiencing a "phase of flight" that draws a lot the greater the resistance to impact of the load on the spine, in the joints. The walk in this phase.
- Walking is safe, which can't be said about the race, it greatly increases the chances of the occurrence of the injury and various diseases due to the increased load on the heart, respiratory, back problems or joints.
Running and walking in a way that is different from the act of the individual. If the health problems you have, runs off to deliver the moral, and the physical pleasure, that is, to lose weight it is best to choose the for your. If there are any problems with the cardiovascular system, spine, joints, or out for a race, causes a moral discomfort, walking is the best option for you. The floor in this case, it is preferred that not less than one hour, while keeping it far enough to the fast-paced, the daily standard will be of the order of 8000-10000 for the thousands of steps, or from 5 to 7 miles away, and this is the recipe for longevity is an excellent remedy for lots of diseases.
Exercise belt
In an exercise of "the board", a fitness instructor, well-deserved, it is considered to be a classic, because it involves almost all major muscle groups:
- the mass media: they involve to be straight, diagonal muscles of the abdomen;
- the spin: the behavior occurs, and the strengthening of the lumbar spine and correction of posture;
- the great pectoral muscles, the deltoid;
- the buttocks;
- the quadriceps;
- the calf;
- hips.
Exercise of the board's" there is an equal load distribution on all the muscle groups, because of this, and to ensure their effectiveness. In addition to this, during the execution of the correct the lack of load on the joints of the knee, which is the bar that is accessible for people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, but it only after consulting a doctor and under the guidance of an expert in physical education.
The classicIn the classical belt, it refers to a group of exercises for the correct execution there is no load on the joints in the body, the body is immovable, that are statically linked. It is available in two forms:
- The emphasis is on the straight hand. More simply, you are a beginner, because the burden falls on the foot.
- The support for the elbows. To maintain such a position, the more difficult, because the weight is evenly distributed across all places of articulation: the forearms, the elbows, the muscles in his legs. It takes a lot of effort to keep your body at the level of the state.
For the implementation you have to focus on the straight line, hands, or elbows as a push up. The body should be stretched in a straight line. The year has a title — "the board"), which describes the essence of the pose: there should be deflections for the lumbar spine, the buttocks, the legs stretched out, her knees tight. Such a provision should be delayed for 20 to 30 seconds, during which time they will be felt by all those muscle groups, it is also possible the emergence of easy-to-shaking, or sensation of warmth — all of this is to show the correctness of the implementation. The bar is easy to make at home, and that it does not require any special hardware, or for an application form.
Power-assisted steering,The side strap that uses the muscles of the waist and on the sides. It is also possible to perform the direct support for the hand and the elbow, and the sequence is as follows:
- taking up a position as one of the classics of the sheet;
- deploying in the body a full 90 degrees, taking up a stable position, a hand come to rest on the floor, the carpet, the other has to rise to the top;
- removing the entire body in a row, it should display a sense of tension in the region of the waist, the muscles on the side of the stem;
- set the position for 20 to 30 seconds.
The side strap, it requires the control to be a balance and equilibrium, improve coordination, concentration, and attention.
A twist
The woman, it is not easy to get a flat stomach in place and anatomical features: in order to transport the child to have plenty of fat interlayer. However, in most of the cases, it is, of course, is the excess of weight due to poor eating habits, lack of physical activity, and psychosocial issues. The time to gather yourself up, and you can start off with the simple exercise of bending.
There are several different varieties:
- Classic.
- A website (or elevation of the legs).
- He leaned forward in his "elbow-knee".
They can also be carried out in-house, using only a floor mat or in the gym, and with the use of special equipment. Please consider the technical information, please refer to "Exercise lying down on the floor.
The exercises and the breathing
More recently, the widespread dissemination it has received the breathing, the exercise, which ensures that you can clean up dangling belly, his mouth only for a short period of time. It can also be used as an add-on to the poses of yoga or a regular gym to improve the user's experience of the the respiratory system. In addition, it can also be used, such as meditation, to unwind, to calm down, they can become a good weapon for dealing with stress.
But through it all, each and every person is healthy, it should be understood that it is not a secure way and without any harm to your health to clean up dangling belly can only be achieved through constant exercise, lack of energy, changes in eating habits, and the breathing techniques will help only a few to speed up the process.
Jump rope
Jumping rope is a good option for you is to start and finish a workout, they also help the body to relax, warm-up and warm-up prior to the dealer just in case. In addition to this, the regular tip-off:
- to improve the co-ordination ;
- contribute to the development of the cardiovascular system;
- it strengthens your heart, lungs and the respiratory system;
- to correct your posture.
Enough of it for 3-5 minutes before and after you workout, to increase the efficiency of the practice. The only exception — jump to the rope, they are counter-indicated for people with heart disease, and spinal cord, and the women in period of menstruation, pregnancy, and, when the degree of obesity.
Gymnastic ring
Another one that is quite common in women with a way to turn down the volume in the area of the abdomen and waist exercise by using a fitness hoop — hula. It is to actually be able to help you, but this is the place — you will come out a few centimeters, the area of the body, and all of the other areas intact.
In addition to this, it does not strengthen the muscles, but it only has an effect on of a massage, it encourages the flow of lymph fluid. Hula hoop can leave welts and bruises on the skin, it all depends on the size and the quality of the rubber in the pie, from which it is made.
Private lessons with a hula Hoop is not suitable for women during the critical days and of pregnancy, gynecological diseases, the presence of a rash on the skin, itching of the skin.
The slopes
The slopes all contribute to the strengthening of the abdominal muscles and side waist. It's a simple, but very effective, familiar to many, since the time of the study in the high school. The technical execution is as follows:
- in the initial position, standing with the feet shoulder-width apart;
- at expiration, you will need to lift your right hand up and back to tilt to the left, as if pushing the left-hand side;
- on the inhalation, return to the starting position;
- at the expiration of to make a twist to the other side.
For the purposes of the amp, you can pick up the free weights of 0.5 to 1.5 kg to post on your wrists and the weights. This will include the work of the muscle in the Quad, biceps, chest, and back.
The opinion of an expert

The experienced instructors at the gym and said, it is worth to believe in the tempting photo for the category "before & after", the mythical views, and promising to grow, the pope, or making cubes of a press release in about 10 days. The work done on the body is a long and complex process, that it combines not only the exercises on a regular basis, but it is a balanced diet, work and psychology. You already explained this, cm. of the above. The dietary restrictions in my log -- the comprehensive classes is not going to help if the person is not able to cope with the stress, continues to take advantage of the severe situations of life and to the problems, there is always a company with the whole family.
Therefore, the quality of, a competent weight loss without harming your health, both physical and psychological, it is best to consult with the specialists of the clinic for weight reduction. Only they will be able to address the issue in a comprehensive way, to choose a technique which, without much difficulty, you will enter into life, and if you enter into is going to be a part of it.