Egg diet for 4 weeks: menu and results

The nutrition system developed by Professor Osama Hamdiy is intended for patients with endocrine system problems. It is more difficult for them to lose weight due to hormonal imbalance. A chemical diet helps alter metabolism, using the body’s ability for weight loss without violating its function. This system requires endurance from someone, because you have to eat according to a certain menu and adhere to some rules, but the result is worth it.

Features of egg diet

A diet without carbohydrates in a month changes the nature of chemical processes in internal systems. The body receives an increase in the amount of protein, which is not easily processed - this requires energy. There are almost no carbs in the diet menu, no place to pull calories fast. The body begins to use fat depots.In the first two weeks, a person eats protein foods, and active weight loss begins.. The remaining 14 days went by to consolidate the results, the menu changed and became more diverse.

It is important to adhere to all dietary prescriptions strictly. If you break the rules, don’t expect good results. The frequency of the egg diet is once a year. Don’t worry about "bad" cholesterol - eggs aren’t involved in its formation. This product is quickly digested, provides the body with high quality proteins and vitamins, fats, antioxidants contained in egg yolks.

Principles and rules of nutrition

Strictly adhere to all recommendations. Your goal is to lose weight and rebuild metabolic processes. During the egg diet, follow the rules:

  • Eat three times a day. Extra snacks are prohibited. If hunger bothers you, eat a cucumber, carrot or salad no earlier than 120 minutes after a hearty meal.
  • Do not replace one item on the menu with another. You can’t shuffle food, for example, during lunch there’s what it’s meant to be for dinner.
  • Stop alcohol. Instead of black tea, you should drink green tea, herbal tea. The amount of clean water per day is 1. 5-2 liters. You can drink soda, but no more than 1 glass a day, a cup of coffee without milk and sugar.
  • Raw eggs should not be eaten.
  • If you don't like boiled eggs, you can bake them, make them crushed, boil them. The main thing is not to use fat during cooking.
  • It is forbidden to reduce or increase the portion size. If the menu table does not show the weight of the food, eat the food until you are full, but do not overeat.
  • Methods of heat treatment: boiling in water, boiling, baking, grilling. To make the dishes have an acceptable taste, they can be seasoned with pepper, salt, onion, garlic.
  • Eggs should be boiled for at least 5 minutes.
egg diet for weight loss

Advantages and disadvantages

A four -week egg diet has many benefits. If you like the main products of the diet, then give the weight loss system an excellent rating:

  • Eggs cook quickly and are reasonably priced. In the second half of the diet, they are replaced by simple and delicious dishes.
  • The diet is ideal for those who love physical activity.
  • Products from the menu give a feeling of satiety for a long time, so diet has little effect on performance.
  • During weight loss, fat is burned and muscles are strengthened.
  • In a month, you can lose up to 28 kg (with a very large weight and exercise).
  • The body is saturated with amino acids, manganese, iron, zinc, vitamins B, A, choline, biotin and others.

An egg-grapefruit diet for 4 weeks will not appeal to everyone. If you can barely eat a few eggs a week, you shouldn’t start losing weight this way. The system also has objective disadvantages:

  • For a long time, the body lacks some macronutrients - fast carbohydrates and fatty acids. This affects the functioning of the internal system.
  • An unbalanced diet leads to various diseases. Common problems with low -carb diets are the occurrence of constipation, headaches, worsening kidney disease, etc.
  • There is a risk of poisoning with low quality eggs. Buy the product only in a trusted place, after checking the integrity of the shell. Before cooking, be sure to wash the eggs in hot water or disinfect with special preparations.

Approved Products

The list is not too long, but a monotonous and strict diet is the key to success. Eating according to a certain menu discipline, makes you change your eating habits. The 4 -week egg diet allows you to use the following foods:

  • industrial and farm chicken eggs;
  • chicken, skinless turkey, beef, veal;
  • lean cottage cheese 0-5%, hard or soft cheese up to 17% fat;
  • all vegetables except potatoes: zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, carrots, green beans, tomatoes, bell peppers, young beans, onions, garlic, etc. ;
  • fruits: grapefruit, oranges in preference; it is allowed to eat tangerines, apricots, peaches, melons, apples, pears, pineapples.

List of prohibited products

Egg diet for a month does not tolerate violations and the introduction of foreign products. You should not eat semi-finished products, store sauces, margarine, dishes spiced with synthetic spices, bakery products and cakes. Taboos are introduced on products that are not harmful to thin people:

  • goat, pork;
  • meat organs: liver, kidneys, lungs, heart;
  • grapes, bananas, mangoes, dates, figs, watermelons;
  • potatoes;
  • fat sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, milk;
  • butter;
  • Salo;
  • fatty fish.
Bananas are prohibited in the egg diet

Detailed menu of egg diet for 4 weeks

For four weeks you need to eat according to the diet presented in the table.If the weight loss results do not satisfy you, repeat the first and last seven days menu twice. In week #1, breakfast is the same from day to day: 2 hard -boiled or soft -boiled eggs, ½ grapefruit or orange. Lunch and dinner are more varied. If the amount of product is not indicated, eat until you are full. First week's diet:





Any fruits allowed.

Beef or chicken is cooked in the manner permitted.


Chicken, tomatoes, medium -sized oranges.

Vegetable salad, 2 eggs, toast, orange/grapefruit.


Simple tomatoes, toast, hard cheese.

Chicken breast or beef.



Lean meats, fresh vegetable salads.


2 boiled eggs, boiled vegetables: carrots, beans, zucchini.

Shrimp/boiled or grilled fish, salad, simple grapefruit/orange.



Meat, vegetable salads.


Chicken thighs or drumsticks, vegetables, oranges.

Boiled/boiled vegetables.

In the second week, the composition and amount of breakfast did not change. The menu becomes less diverse - the blow to excess weight continues. Further details in the table:

Double the first day's diet.





Salad, meat.

2 eggs, salad, grapefruit.



Grilled/boiled meat without fat, cucumber salad without salt and sauce.

2 eggs, grapefruit.


2 eggs, boiled vegetables, cottage cheese.

A pair of eggs.


Meat, 2–3 tomatoes.

A pair of eggs.


Meat, 2–3 tomatoes, grapefruit.

Fruit salad without dressing.


Skinless chicken, boiled vegetables, 1 grapefruit.

Just like for lunch.

In the third week of the egg diet, you will feel a little relieved, because the food will not be so strict. All seven days of food allowed can be eaten without restriction in amount. Diet week number 3:




Fruits allowed.


Boiled vegetables, fresh vegetable salad.


Fruit vegetables.


Fish, salad, fresh cabbage, boiled vegetables.


Chicken, fresh vegetables.


Any one fruit.


Any one fruit.

The four -week diet is coming to an end, and the menu is becoming more varied. In these seven days, you gradually return to your normal diet. Last week's menu:


Products for the day


¼ Boiled chicken without skin or 400 g of other roasted meat, 3 fresh tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, one can of canned tuna in its own juice, toast, grapefruit.


200 g meat, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, toast, grapefruit, apple/pear.


300 g of boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 1 tbsp. l. cereal cottage cheese, toast, grapefruit.


½ Boiled chicken without skin, cucumber, 3 tomato seeds, toast, grapefruit.


10 salad leaves, 3 tomatoes, 2 boiled eggs, grapefruit.


2 boiled chicken fillets, toast, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 120 g of cottage cheese, 1 cup kefir, grapefruit.


One can of tuna, 200 g of boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, toast, grapefruit.

The right way out of the diet

The last week in Osama Hamdiy’s system was the beginning of an exit. The stomach is used to small portions of food, and you start eating in moderation. At the end of the diet, continue to eat in small amounts, gradually introducing previously prohibited grains, fruits, cheese, meat and potatoes into the diet. In the first 2-3 weeks, do not eat sugar and all foods that contain it.. Add fatty foods to the menu slowly so as not to irritate the pancreas. Once a week for lunch, eat fatty fish, such as mackerel, sardines, sea trout.

Sweet tooth until 12: 00 can enjoy 1-2 teaspoons several times a week. honey, 1 cube of dark chocolate, toast with peanut paste, dates or canned fruit. Don’t give up immediately on eggs and citrus. Reduce the amount every day. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of non-carbonated minerals or filtered water. Alcohol is still banned. After the egg diet, it is optimal to switch to a proper diet or -60 system.

Side effect

The egg diet for 4 weeks is not as dangerous as expected. It is accompanied by unpleasant circumstances (not everyone has it):

  • restlessness and irritability - associated with a lack of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • poor general health, lethargy - as a result of a low -carbohydrate diet;
  • headaches that occur as a result of increased pressure on the kidneys;
  • bloating-as a result of poor tolerance to fruits, some vegetables, eating eggs;
  • constipation - occurs due to a high protein diet and low fiber in the diet;
  • bad breath - formed due to the consumption of eggs, which, when digested, emit an unpleasant odor;
  • heartburn - occurs due to frequent use of citrus fruits;
  • fragility of nails, hair - as a result of lack of vitamins, minerals;
  • rash, itching - citrus fruits and eggs are strong allergens.


The egg-orange diet for 4 weeks is not suitable for everyone because of certain diets. Contraindications to Osama Hamdi's weight loss system:

  • pregnancy;
  • stomach and intestinal diseases: gastritis, ulcers, heartburn, bloating, enterocolitis;
  • liver disease, pancreas;
  • intolerance to chicken eggs;
  • allergies to citrus;
  • heart and blood vessel disease;
  • period after a long illness, weakened immunity.
contraindications to the egg diet


Do you think you can’t eat boiled meat, eggs and vegetables? This is true if there is no desire to show imagination. Even an egg diet can turn into a flavor extravaganza, because you have so many products you can use! Fill zucchini, make a royal omelet with vegetables, marinate the meat in natural spices and lemon juice - you’ll lick your fingers! The main thing is not to use fat. If frying, then in a dry pan. Also, don’t get carried away with salt - it has benefits only with moderate use.

Lula kebab

  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Meals: 5 people.
  • Calorie content of the meal: 1150 kcal (120 kcal / 100 g).
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Caucasian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Traditionally, kebabs are made from fatty lamb over a fire. You can make a lean version of the dish and eat it without spoiling the figure. Lula kebabs are perfect for an egg diet, saturated for a long time and help make the menu more varied. Juicy, tender, melted pieces of meat in your mouth will appeal to both adults and children, and it’s also very easy to take with you to work.


  • lean beef pulp - 700 g;
  • garlic - 3 pcs. ;
  • vegetables (cilantro, dill, green onions) - 1 small bunch each;
  • basil - 0. 5 tsp;
  • sweet cumin - 0. 5 tbsp;
  • black pepper - 0. 5 tsp;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Make minced meat from beef pulp. Scroll through a meat grinder 2-3 times, so the kebab will be softer.
  2. Grind the onion in a blender, add to the minced meat.
  3. Add all the spices.
  4. Finely chop the vegetables, mix with the meat.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  6. Knead the minced meat for about 10 minutes, beating periodically - you need the mass to become sticky.
  7. Cover the baking sheet with foil, apply a drop of vegetable oil on the surface.
  8. Shape the kebabs with wet hands and place on a baking sheet.
  9. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes. The sign of readiness is the formation of a slight golden crust. Do not overcook the dish in the oven, otherwise it will become hard.
Lula kebab on an egg diet

Baked eggplant

  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of meals: 6 people.
  • Calorie content of the meal: 630 kcal (42 kcal / 100 g).
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: moderate.

Boiled and stewed vegetables quickly get bored, and during the diet, especially eggs, there is always the temptation to eat something forbidden. If you make the menu as varied as possible, there will be no desire to escape. Baked eggplant stuffed with cottage cheese, carrots, tomatoes and onions is a great choice for a light and appetizing dinner. They are prepared quickly - 20-30 minutes of active time, bring gastronomic pleasure and benefits to the body.


  • eggplant - 3 pcs. ;
  • cottage cheese 5% - 200 g;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • carrots - 1 pc. ;
  • garlic - 2 pcs. ;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the eggplant with water, make cuts along the vegetables, but not completely. The thickness of the pieces is approximately 0. 7-0. 8 cm.
  2. Salt the eggplant, leave for 20 minutes so that the bitterness comes out of it. rinse.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with finely chopped parsley and chopped garlic.
  4. Grate raw carrots.
  5. Cut onion into half rings, sprinkle with vinegar.
  6. Cut the tomatoes.
  7. Start inserting the eggplant: fill one slice with cottage cheese, the second with carrots and tomatoes, and the third with onions. To prevent the design from collapsing, fasten it with a toothpick.
  8. Bake the dish in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 200 ° C.
roasted eggplant on an egg diet

Opinions of those who have lost weight

There are many positive reviews about the egg diet on the internet. According to the majority of these power systems, you can easily lose extra pounds without much effort.